AI integration is coming to Firefox. Don’t get outraged yet if you are not a fan of AI creeping up in every software. It’s optional and has several choices available for both local and cloud-based AI. As I have said earlier, sooner
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It’s FOSS turns 12 today 🎂 I started It’s FOSS as a personal website to share my learning and experience with desktop Linux and open source software. Things have certainly changed in the last 12 years. It’s FOSS has been visited over
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A few years back, a reader asked me why there are so many Linux distributions when most of them look similar. I came up with this analogy 👇 What is Linux? Why There are 100’s of Linux OS? Cannot figure out what
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This week, It’s FOSS crossed 120,000 followers mark on Twitter (or is it X?). That’s an achievement. If you use Twitter, do follow us for timely updates, tips and memes. 💬 Let’s see what else you get in this edition: Ubuntu focusing
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Microsoft’s Windows has been intrusive to users’ privacy—that’s not a secret. But its upcoming “Recall” feature should raise concern for everyone. EU countries are already preparing to investigate it, but I feel that Microsoft will get away with this as well. Microsoft
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It seems NixOS is the new Arch Linux. It’s the latest craze among the more advanced Linux users and now it is getting derivatives distros as well. We focused on SnowflakeOS which seems to be a beginner-friendly Nix derivative: SnowflakeOS: NixOS in
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It seems my rant on Ubuntu 24.04’s handling of third-party deb files rattled many in the community. While many people agreed with me, some think it’s a non-issue. A few crass comments are there telling me ‘to just use the command line’.
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