After every Ubuntu LTS release, the wait starts for upgrades to some of the best derivatives, including Linux Mint. This time, Linux Mint 22 has landed, based on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. But, should you upgrade right away? What are the improvements that
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Public Money? Public code. This movement is picking up in the European Union. The new Swiss law is a proof of that. Hope more states follow this ๐Ÿ˜ Switzerland Makes Open Source Software Mandatory For Public Sector A big boost to the
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AI is everywhere. One of the most important types of AI models is Large Language Models (LLMs). Of course, we are talking about the open-source LLMs (not the proprietary ones). While these LLMs help a great deal with generating text, helping you
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Hello readers, in this post, we will show you how to deploy Kubernetes Cluster on RHEL 9 with kubeadm utility. Kubernetes (k8s) is an open-source container orchestration platform. It allows automating deployment, scaling, and management of container-based applications. In Kubernetes cluster, we
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AppImage is a popular packaging format for Linux systems. You’ll often find applications packaged in this format. Sometimes, when you try to log in to a serviceโ€™s AppImage through a browser, even though it will report a success and tell you to
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What is the right time to introduce children to computers? I have been pondering this for the past few months. And earlier this month, I finally decided to set up a dedicated Raspberry Pi-based computer for my three year old daughter. Here’s
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