When something is termed “Immutable”, it means you cannot change it. For a Linux distribution, it carries the same meaning. But, what exactly is an immutable distro? How is it different from a standard Linux distribution? Should you consider using them, or
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If you are active in the Linux community, you will often come across the debate on what’s better: PipeWire or PulseAudio? Some users prefer going back to PulseAudio, while others find solving their decade-old audio problems much better. So the question here
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In the world of Linux, few debates have stirred as much controversy as the battle between the traditional System V init system, often known as SysVinit, and the newer systemd. In this article, I’ll briefly discuss what systemd is, what advantages and
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I hope you are familiar with the concept of package managers and repositories. A repository is basically a web server that has packages (software). The package manager gets these packages from the repositories. How does the apt package manager know the address
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