Are you tired of the challenge posed by a crowded local storage, making file retrieval feel like a scavenger hunt? Worry not! Today, we embark on the transformation of your Raspberry Pi into a Network-Attached Storage (NAS) solution. Say farewell to the
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Got a large digital media library thanks to your old DVD and Blue Ray collection? A media server will enhance your movie watching experience. sFirst, your media library gets displayed like Netflix and other streaming services. You get to resume your playback
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A serial console allows you to see the boot logs even before the Linux kernel has started booting! Therefore, a serial console attached to your Raspberry Pi can help you find causes of problems like the following: A new Linux distribution that
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Last week, I shared a tutorial on using PrivateGPT. It’s an AI tool to interact with documents. Now, that’s fine for the limited use, but if you want something more than just interacting with a document, you need to explore other projects.
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