Do you like short videos and reels? Lately, we have been posting some real cool ones on our Instagram account. There are lit video memes and interesting bytes of old interviews of computing legends like Torvalds, Stallman, Ritchie, Thompson etc. Take this
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Here’s positive news that should delight most Linux and open-source supporters. German state Schleswig-Holstein has decided to replace Microsoft Office with LibreOffice on over 30,000 employees’ PCs. Wow! German State Ditches Microsoft for Open-Source Software The end of dominance for Microsoft in
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This is a special FOSS Weekly edition as it focuses on Homelab. Wondering what is a homelab? Basically, it’s a dedicated computer(s) set up which resides in your home and serves various open source software on your local network. So, you run
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It’s FOSS has around 2000 articles and it is difficult to find the interesting ones just from browsing the website. This is what prompted me to consolidate articles based on topics. So, you get pages like Fedora guides, Rust series etc. I
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It seems Microsoft is nagging Windows users more frequently to switch to Windows 11. Time to upgrade to Linux? Perhaps. When support for Windows XP and 7 ended, it prompted many people to explore Linux on their personal computer. Will the demise
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I hope you’re having a fantastic week! Welcome to another edition of FOSS Weekly newsletter. 💬 Let’s see what you get in this edition: Fedora dropping X11 support. Beginner’s guide to Logical Volume Manager (LVM) A major Linux kernel release. And other
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Not sure if you have noticed it already, we are doing more Linux book reviews this year. It’s a way to introduce you to interesting new Linux books that you may want to explore. Take Linux Kernel Programming book, for example. It’s
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KDE Plasma 6 is released. Upcoming distributions Fedora 40 should provide it. GNOME 46 will be releasing in the coming weeks too. April onwards, you’ll see newer versions being released for Ubuntu and most major Linux distributions. Exciting times ahead! 💬 Let’s
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It seems that Fedora is gearing up for more novel variants. Last week, I shared the news about Fedora Atomic spin and now they are considering a COSMIC spin. COSMIC is a new, Rust-based desktop environment by Pop!_OS. The more, the merrier?
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