Hello Ubuntu Users, Canonical has released much awaited Ubuntu 22.04 LTS desktop operating system on 21st April 2022. Code name for Ubuntu 22.04 is Jammy Jellyfish and it is a LTS (Long Term support) release and will get updates and support for
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EndeavourOS is a terminal-centric Arch-based Linux distribution that provides a cool and elegant desktop environment and prides itself in having a vibrant community of opensource developers. Like all rolling releases, it’s an evolving distribution that aims at provides the best and the
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Debian, which is a hugely popular Linux distribution, has given rise to a wide selection of popular Debian flavors. Among the most celebrated and hugely popular Debian flavors is MX Linux, which takes the first position in Distrowatch at the time of
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VirtualBox is a free and opensource virtualization tool which allows us to run multiple operating systems at the same time. As the name suggests, VirtualBox creates a virtualized environment for installing and running operating systems. It is available for Windows, Linux, macOS
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Good news for Debian users as Debian 11 was released a few days back. Code name “Bullseye”, Debian 11 comes packed with lots of goodies and exciting new updates. Debian is one of the best Linux distros available, but you need to
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Elementary OS is one of the most beautiful Linux distros out there and user-friendly as well. One of the main highlights of this linux distro is that it provides added support for user security and privacy. Now that you have successfully completed
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Finally, the wait is over! The much-awaited Elementary OS 6.0 “Odin” is now available for download. Elementary OS enthusiasts have been waiting patiently for more than a year now after the release “Hera”, Elementary OS 5.1 in December 2019. Elementary OS 6.0 
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PDF is an acronym for Portable Document Format. It’s the defacto format that is used for sharing documents electronically and is usually the preferred format when attaching documents on a website for download. Once in a while, you might need to make
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Screenshots come in handy especially when you want to illustrate or demonstrate something to a colleague or a friend or student. A screenshot directs the attention of the recipient to the object(s) being illustrated. Most Linux distributions, including Ubuntu, come with their
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