Neofetch displays the system information and distribution logo in the terminal. It can be tweaked to change the looks and feel of its output in surprising new ways.
You don’t always have to upgrade all the packages at once. With apt command, you can list the upgradable packages first and then decide which ones to upgrade.
Think Linux terminal is all about serious work? Think again. Here are a few fun things you can do with ASCII art in the terminal.
Linux and its toolchain keep on evolving. Here are a few popular Linux commands that have been deprecated or going to be deprecated soon.
The ripgrep-all is grep on asteriod. Apart from searching in text files, it can also search in PDFs, Word documents, E-Books, Zip, Tar archives files and more.
Distrobox is an interesting terminal tool that lets you run multiple Linux distributions without any hassle.
Afraid to use the Linux terminal? Well, you have plenty of reasons that should encourage you to try it out.
The grep command works only on plain text file, not on PDF files. pdfgrep is similar to grep but for pdf files.
Brief: Nushell is a unique type of shell that provides easy-to-read error messages and offers cross-platform support. Find out more about it here. Even if you are not interested in using the terminal, the Linux terminal often makes some of the heavy
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There are several shells available for Linux systems. Xonsh shell is unique because it combines Python and Bash shell together.