Website UX changes first ✨ There is now a dedicated form page to inform me about any grammatical or technical error in an article. Alert and dedicated readers have been using the comment section or emailing me about issues they noticed in
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A modern Linux terminal I discovered this week took me by surprise. I was not expecting it to be this different! It’s like VS Code or a modern code editor. It is aimed primarily at developers but people who are not comfortable
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Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family (if you celebrate it) 🦃 While Thanksgiving is primarily a US tradition, Black Friday has become a global event with various deals and discounts being offered. Each year, I look on the internet for Black
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I just noticed that last week we crossed the mark of 25,000 members on It’s FOSS. No small feat and it also indicates that there are so many people interested in using Linux 🦾 💬 Let’s see what you get in this
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Fedora 39 is finally released. As the ‘tradition’ goes with Fedora, this release also got delayed by almost 4 weeks due to last-minute bugs. That’s okay, I believe. It’s better to be late than broken. Existing Fedora 37 or 38 users can
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There is a first time to everything. The first time you used Linux, the first time you visited It’s FOSS 😉 Why am I talking about first times? Because for the first time, I made a video with my ‘face’ in it.
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Why do programmers always mix up Halloween and Christmas? “Because Oct 31 = Dec 25.” (Octal 31 and Decimal 25 are equivalent, in case you needed more clarification) I know that was a classic dad joke but since I am father of
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Ubuntu 23.10 and its flavors have been released. A major identified issue is that a ‘bug’ is not allowing users to install deb files using the software center. To me, it’s not a bug but a feature introduced by Ubuntu to push
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Ubuntu 23.10 is releasing today. More snaps and more experiments. This is an important release because it will set the course for the next 24.04 LTS release. While we’ll publish various release briefs in due time, you can take a look at
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BTW, I use Arch Linux! No, I am not joking. I have (re)installed Arch on my TUXEDO InfinityBook and using it as my daily driver these days. My main system still has Ubuntu 23.04, though. The thing is that I had stopped
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