One of the primary roles of any systems administrator is viewing and analyzing log files. Web server log files from other Apache and Nginx can build up over time and examining them can prove to be a tedious and time-consuming activity. Thankfully,
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In the past, we have covered quite a number of command-line monitoring tools in Linux.ย  These include vmstat, htop and top command to mention a few. The top command is the most widely used command since it comes preinstalled and gives a
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Originally developed by Sunโ€™s Microsystems, NFS is an acronym for Network File System. It is a distributed protocol that allows a user on a client PC to access shared files from a remote server much the same way they would access files
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Apache Tomcat is free and open-source Java based HTTP Web server which offers the environment where Java code can run. In short Apache Tomcat is known as Tomcat. Recently Tomcat 10 has been released, so in this article, we will demonstrate on
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Ansible is an opensource configuration management and orchestration tool that makes it easy to automate IT tasks in a multi-tier IT environment. With a single command, you can configure multiple servers and deploy applications without logging into each of the servers and
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Managing storage devices is one of the essential skills that any Linux user or systems administrator worth his salt needs to have. There are numerous ways of creating disk partitions in Linux, both graphical and on the command-line. In this guide, we
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For Smooth CI/CD development using the docker platform, consider using a self-hosted docker registry server. Docker registry is the repository where you can store your docker images and pull them to run applications on the server. For faster delivery as well as
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